Cardiff & Vale Health Charity are delighted to announce they’ve received £145,982 from the Community Woodlands programme run by the Welsh Government and National Lottery Heritage Fund to help preserve the woodland area around the Our Health Meadow site at University Hospital Llandough.

The health benefits of environmental factors and the impact of nature and wildlife upon physical and mental wellbeing has long been recognised, and Our Health Meadow is designed to enhance this vision. The orchard aims to establish an ecological community health park to benefit wildlife, plants and people through positive human environment interaction.

With the funding from the Community Woodlands programme, a myriad of works will be able to go ahead, from creating pathways and hedgerows to planting more trees within the woodland area. There will also be training for volunteers in land management skills, woodland crafts and sustainable construction, accredited by Agored Cymru.

Recently, Down to Earth Project and volunteers have used and created sweet chestnut fencing to protect the heritage oak at the top of the site, as well as benches and three-legged stools in preparation for the warmer days ahead.

Cardiff & Vale Health Charity are looking forward to seeing the progress and development this additional funding will provide. To stay up-to-date with this exciting project, please visit

The National Forest for Wales is a unique venture led by Welsh Government to establish a nationwide network of publicly accessible woodlands and forests under high quality management. Now with the help of individuals we can start to visualise how it will look and how it will be connected.

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