Schools – Ysgolion

Local primary schoolchildren regularly visit Our Orchard to take in nature and the environment.

Just one such school is Llandough Primary who attended Our Orchard during the height of the summer heatwave to take part in bird watching, willow weaving and filling the purpose built bug hotel.

Our Orchard LPS 2The children were also treated to an entertaining talk from Our Orchard Ambassador Dr Rhys Jones who was inspiring during his talk about his travels to Africa and in teaching the children about the wildlife and plants that were home at Our Orchard.

The children got to explore the seven acre area which will be home to a semi-natural planted area which has been set aside for the protection of plants and wildlife, wildflower meadows and a bee sanctuary.

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Simone Joslyn, Head of Arts and Health Charity said; “Our Orchard is a perfect example of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act which the Health Board is committed to developing.This has been a great opportunity to engage with young people on how the outdoors, nature and fresh air can improve health and wellbeing and how important this project is on a hospital site.”

Mark Ellis, Headteacher at Llandough Primary School said; “The children absolutely loved the day they spent at Our Orchard and would definitely like to come back and do more.

The day was very enjoyable and taught the children so much about the local nature and environment in a fun and engaging way.”

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Our Orchard is a unique space at UHL which will become a legacy for generations to come. It will be created on seven acres of semi-rural pasture land and woodland which makes up part of the UHL estate. This will benefit patients, staff, visitors and the wider community and will be funded entirely through donations made to the Cardiff & Vale Health Charity. No NHS funding will contribute to the development and maintenance of this unique outdoor space.

For fundraising, volunteering opportunities or to arrange a visit please email Georgina Burke

To find out more about Our Orchard click here